

  • Javascript
  • Python


  • Mongo DB
  • PostgreSQL


  • React
  • Express
  • Django
  • jQuery


  • REST
  • MVC
  • OOP

Personal Projects

Whale Scope: Developed a full-stack application for whale watchers to log, share, and find whale sightings. Utilized Google Maps Javascript API and Whale Museum API to display location and search whale sighting data. Created an API with RESTful paths and CRUD capability.

Night Owl: Developed a full-stack application that creates private rooms for groups to search, queue, and display youtube videos real-time and incorporates a live-chat feature for discussion via

Jog Hog: Developed a full-stack application for runners to plan out training routines and track training performance. Created an API with RESTful paths and CRUD capability.

Work Experience

International Paper, Los Angeles, CA

Plant Manufacturing Manager | 2018 - 2020

Led all plant operations at premier agriculture container facility including reporting oversight, financial management, facility maintenance, departmental budget formulation & execution, strategic forecasting & planning production KPIs, sales volume strategy & coordination, customer service & relations management, and logistics planning & execution by guiding the 3-shift (24/7) operation through 134 total team members and 4 direct reports.

Owens Corning, Memphis, TN

Operations Manager | 2017 - 2018

Led the Operations Department in Memphis’ top tier roofing manufacturing site based on product flexibility, financial results, and line efficiency by guiding the 3-shift (24/7) operation through 76 total team members and 4 direct reports.

Anheuser-Busch InBev, Columbus, OH

Business Process Manager | 2014 - 2017

Led Columbus’ highest priority and oversold production lines based on financial results, efficiency, and wholesaler demand, responsible for aluminum bottle and glass bottle production including 8 package types and a $2.6MM annual maintenance and parts budget, while guiding the 3-shift (24/7) operation through 32 total team members and 3 direct reports.


General Assembly, Los Angeles, CA

Software Engineering Immersive | June - September 2020

Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry | 2010 - 2013

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